Thursday, January 29, 2009

My comment to Chuck's blog.

Yes chucky. Sometimes i wish God would just smack me in the face every time i think about doing the wrong thing but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Why do i keep having the desire to do stupid stuff that i know is wrong? because i'm selfish. Sin makes me angry. Angry at the devil but mostly angry at myself. I can walk into a situation and expect to be tempted to fall and yet I still can't stop it. I'm too weak on my own. Luckily, through Christ we are given strength to overcome our trials and persevere like James taught. I like to equate this strength with the grace of God. It's a gift, something we have to accept before it takes affect. Which, realistically, is the hardest part of the whole process. We tend to accept it one day and put it to the side the next for our own pleasure. So, at that point, have you really accepted it? In Shane and Shane's song "beg" they say,"I'm haunted by my God who has the right to ask me, What, by the nature of my rebellion, I cannot give?" We put off our acceptance of it because it may require a few sacrifices, letting go of our comfortability, or going against our rebellious nature. Now I'm not trying to say you're not saved just because you keep sinning. I'm saying that by living in even one "small" sin causes such a separation from God that it's hard to call it salvation. We will fail. We're sinful by nature but what makes the difference is realizing that we are sinning and taking action to repent and turn a complete 180 degrees. What does that action look like? Well it depends on who you are as to the specifics of taking the best steps to get rid of sin but there is one staple in everyone's it comes again.....awakening. Matthew 6:33 says, But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Seeking His kingdom...sounds like awakening to me. To possess the burning desire to see His face, wow. That's awesome. I'm getting there but once again, my selfishness gets in the way. To combat the inevitable obstacles, what do we do? We pray. Study His word. We support each other. But most importantly we love, always.

2Timothy 2:1...You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,

2 Corinthians 2:10b-11.... if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sake in the presence of Christ, 11 so that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.


  1. "I can walk into a situation and expect to be tempted to fall and yet I still can't stop it."

    Nine times out of ten I think we know it's coming. Maybe we even walk toward it on purpose all the while telling ourselves it's an accident. Sin doesn't jump out from behind a tree and scream, "Boo!" It's there in the same old weaknesses we carry around with us everyday.

    Instead of going into the situation hoping to beat the temptation, we should avoid the situations we know will tempt us. Let's face it, we know ourselves well enough to know what trips us up. So why do we walk into it? Seems like an easy fix to me.

    Sorry to preach, but you made me think a little.

    Great post. You're gonna make a great preacher.

  2. All sinful desires stem from selfishness and selfishness stems from insecurity. Its in the book, don't worry. But yeah, awakening, not trying to deaden yourself to sin, but just awakening to God. That's awesome. Good post thingy!

  3. A comment about a comment...

    "All sinful desires stem from selfishness and selfishness stems from insecurity."

    When we find our identity in Christ and Him ONLY, and when we REST in that identity, it creates such a since of security and purpose that we are too busy freaking our about how AWESOME He is to desire the old self. Like a smoker replacing cigs with chewing gum to kick the habit. Jesus is like really awesome chewing gum...

    Can't wait to read the book, Sarah! You about done with it?!

  4. hey, this is awesome I said, I tried to comment on this before, but couldn't get it to raise some really good points here, and Christian really do need to be more aware of the hinderance even a little sin can bring to a believer's life. Great job man!
