Monday, February 16, 2009

The Holy Spirit is like bottled water.

Oh bottled water. Not just any bottled water, top-of-the-line spring water. There's just something about that sweet release of built up pressure upon the turn of the cap. Bottled water is everywhere. It's virtually free, well, at least really cheap but work with me. We can have it on a simple whim and toss it to the way side without a thought, but it's still there. Sometimes, we drink it because it's good for us. We need water. Our bodies are made up of %70 water. But then there's those times....those times when you just ran a marathon(or walked up the stairs depending on your current physical stamina). During those times you feel like Esau comin in from the hunt: Without that glorious rush of Sodium Free, 0 calorie, quadruple-filtered necter of the gods you will surely die. So, you turn the small piece of plastic which guards this priceless liquid and as you take a gulp you can feel it sooth every inch of your inards. Over-all, bottled water is simply unappreciated; viewed as useless until we find it necessary. This is much like the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always with us. Our souls are %100 filled with the Holy Spirit and can not survive without it. We sometimes casually recognize it's presence and oblige by being kind to someone or encouraging a friend: we do it because it's the "right" thing to do. But then there's those times....those times where worship brings you to tears and you are completely broken by the recognition of self-insufficiency. You just know that without the Holy Spirit there to put you at peace, you will surely die. So, as you lift your hands and open your heart and recognize your need for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You tear off the grip that the devil has on your heart and feel the Spirit sooth every inch of your heart and soul. And so we see the power of a gulp of the Holy Spirit. So friends, I challenge you not to partake in the chemically tainted tap water that life gives you to quench the unquenchable, but instead, carry your bottled water with pride and dump it on the head of everyone you meet(Disclaimer: this is a metaphor and I hereby dismiss any responsibility for the literal dumping of water on other human beings). You need bottled water. It's there for the taking.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

God is like M&Ms

God is like M&Ms. M&Ms are yummy bits of chocolate covered in some form of hard candy. There are 21 different colors of M&M. They come in original, crispy, peanut, mini, and mint(possibly others). To say the least, the candy comes in many different forms and can be implemented into numerous recipes and decoration. There are millions of purposes an M&M can serve. But one thing is true, all the forms of M&M set out to accomplish the same goal: to satisfy the taste buds of those consuming the candy. Everyone has different preferences and responds to different forms of M&Ms. Some are satisfied by originals and some by peanut. This is much like God. He presents Himself in countless ways but always sets out to accomplish the same goal. To satisfy the hole in the hearts of humans by filling it with his Spirit. Each of us may require a different presentation of God. He may be the homeless man sitting on the street or the woman we bump into on the bus. But one thing is for sure, God will reveal Himself in some way. Possibly original, or maybe with some yummy twist. Keep yours eyes out for your flavor. God's word. Melts in your heart, not on your shelf.

Series to be continued...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Relationships are like oreos.

Relationships are like Oreos.

Everyone loves oreos. For those of you who don't know, oreos consist of two chocolate cookies with a creamy white sugary substance in between. The cream defines the true essence of an oreo. Without it, there are two dry cookies that kinda taste good but the over all mysterious majesty of the taste is ultimately lost. Furthermore, without that yummy yummy cream, there is nothing to hold together the two pieces of chocolate. Thus, we are left with two, single cookies with nothing to cling to but other lonesome, creamless cookies. God is our cream. Without him, our relationships will fall apart and we will be left alone. Furthermore, He "defines the true essence of" the relationship. He gives us a basis upon which to build our relationships and, in effect, completes the mysteriously majestic "taste" of every relationship in life.

Series to be continued.......

Thursday, February 5, 2009 like.....

Some of you, my dearest friends, told me to write some funny blogs. So i've decided to start a like... series of blogs. For instance, my ever famous (really Dave's idea and my poetic delivery) "Life is like Chicken Pot Pie" monologue(which i happen to be eating right now). The first will be entitled "Relationships are like oreos." They will all somehow pertain to God. Get ready. I'll blow your mind. The first will come later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Putt Egg (this is my funny blog)

So, it snowed today, a lot. Me and Sarah decided to make a 4-foot tribute to our dear friend Putt Egg. So here's to you Putt Egg! Thanks to you, "couch potato" is an honorable title.