Friday, February 6, 2009

Relationships are like oreos.

Relationships are like Oreos.

Everyone loves oreos. For those of you who don't know, oreos consist of two chocolate cookies with a creamy white sugary substance in between. The cream defines the true essence of an oreo. Without it, there are two dry cookies that kinda taste good but the over all mysterious majesty of the taste is ultimately lost. Furthermore, without that yummy yummy cream, there is nothing to hold together the two pieces of chocolate. Thus, we are left with two, single cookies with nothing to cling to but other lonesome, creamless cookies. God is our cream. Without him, our relationships will fall apart and we will be left alone. Furthermore, He "defines the true essence of" the relationship. He gives us a basis upon which to build our relationships and, in effect, completes the mysteriously majestic "taste" of every relationship in life.

Series to be continued.......


  1. Wow...this is amay-ayzing. If I understand correctly could me and you be the outer cookies?

  2. Ah! Sarah's a cookie!

  3. So what's the milk then?...hmmm This is good, I'm gonna like this little series...lookin forward to the next comparison

  4. Relationships in black and white. I like it.

  5. The milk is the world around us... If we soften our hearts as we come in contact with the world as a team (you, the person you're in a relationship with, and God), then we will rub off on the world a little bit. We'll shed a little bit of our chocolate cookie-ness into the world and inevitably make it taste better. Ooo... Profound.
