Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Best Love Triangle Ever.

So there's this girl. She and I have been dating for 20 months today. It has been the best twenty months of my life. We have been through a lot and it has all been worth it. Although it has been a long time and we've had our ups and downs, there are decades to come. Me, Her, and God to the end. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life. She has been the best blessing I could ever ask for. While counting months may seem juvenile, I count every day as one I don't deserve so each month is counted as a true gift. I never thought I'd know love with another person like I do with her. I would be absolutely lost without her: God helps me to see who I am and who I'm meant to be through her. I was going to write her a note for the occasion but I wanted to tell everyone.

I love you Sarah Renee Mays. You are my world.


  1. I just threw up a little in my mouth...You don't blog for a month and a half and this is what you come up with? lol just messin man. Good stuff

  2. You can marry her. You have my permission.

  3. Also, technically, it's only a love triangle if it's three people.

    So you're just a love line.

  4. Actually Heather the Spensmister was referring to God as the third person in that triangle. He just didnt expound on that too much cuz he was busy whispering sweet nothings about Sarah to us all. =)

  5. I thought the third side of the triangle was me. Spencer kissed me on the cheek the other day. I guess it didn't mean as much as I thought.
